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(~12/10) [한국 필립스] Field Service Engineer 신입 채용 글의 상세내용

『 (~12/10) [한국 필립스] Field Service Engineer 신입 채용 』글의 상세내용을 확인하는 표로 제목, 부서명, 등록일, 조회, 첨부, 내용으로 나뉘어 설명합니다.

제목 (~12/10) [한국 필립스] Field Service Engineer 신입 채용
분류 공통
작성자 취창업지원센터 등록일 2021-11-29 조회 431

[About Philips Korea]

㈜필립스코리아(Philips Korea Ltd.) 네덜란드 필립스 그룹(Royal Philips) 한국 현지법인으로 1976년도에 설립되었습니다헬스 시스템즈와 퍼스널 헬스의 사업부문을 통해 인간지향적이고 혁신적인 다양한 제품  서비스를 제공하고 있습니다본사는 서울 중구 T타워에 소재하며 한국에서 전개되는 필립스의 모든 활동을 대표합니다.

필립스 코리아 홈페이지http://www.philips.co.kr

필립스 동영상 보러가기:

· Philips Korea Brand campaign with innovation and you : https://youtu.be/wc63XN4PC5A

· We see healthcare differently : https://youtu.be/UYsAn5ePKrI

[About Position]

 Business: Health Systems

 Position Title: Field Service Engineer

 Location: Daejeon or Kwangju


Role Summary:

  • Deliver qualified service to customers including corrective maintenance, preventative maintenance, installation and FCO.
  • Play a very important role in the growth of customer service business and sales business.


Key Areas of Responsibilities:

  • Planning and delivering assigned service to customers with high quality, including Corrective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Installation and FCO, focusing on the efficiency and service quality.
  • Developing and maintaining good relationships with customers, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty; owning customer service quality KPIs for assigned account. Ensuring service process implemented effectively.
  • Attending training and developing relevant knowledge and skills, focusing on service competence level and actual service capabilities.
  • Providing service support to team members as required, focusing on good team work.
  • Preparing and providing kinds of Service Report on an accurate and timely basis.
  • Other tasks assigned by team & company.

Qualifications & Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree or above in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or other related major
  • Strong technical knowledge on Healthcare products
  • Good communication skill and Open mind to share with others
  • Good execution skill
  • Good English skill in reading, writing and speaking
  • Self-motivation and self-management
  • Work base on Daejeon or Gwangju
  • 선호학과건양대 의료공과대학 의공학과의료IT공학과
  • 대전광주가 자택인  가산점 있음

제출 서류영문 이력서 모두 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. (자유형식의 이력서)

서류 제출 마감일: 2021 12월 10 ()

이력서 제출 :  담당자  순영 / 이메일, sonia.oh@philips.com으로 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. 
